Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Utada Hikaru, the famous female artist of Japanese

Hikaru Utada, or Hikki was born in New York City, USA, January 19, 1983 is a famous Japanese singer. The songs are ranked first in the Oricon charts. He was a blessingsingle "First Love". Ex-husband was a director Kazuhiro Iwashita. Master she guitar andpiano instruments, Utada has released four albums in Japanese. In 2005 he tried an international career with an album titled Exodus in English under the name "Utada".
Hikki has sold more than 40 million CD. He also publicly known as a musician who canspeak two languages fluently, because he grew up in the two countries, Japan and the United States. Hikki also sang soundtrak for video game titled Kingdom Hearts
andKingdom Hearts II. Utada was originally adopted genre R & B with a low beat-beat, butnow his music is more directed to the flow of experimental pop. In 2002, Utada was married to a director and photographer named Kiriya Kazuaki (real name: KazuhiroIwashita) who was 15 years older than Utada, but they divorced in March 2007 after fouryears of living together. Noted recently that Hikaru Utada has sold 24 million pieces ofCD albums, 16.7 million pieces of CD singles, and 2.67 million units of DVD / VHS.

3 komentar:

  1. I know this artist, my ex girlfriend filled my hard drive with love songs and the track you featured on this post was one of them.

    Have a great day my friend. I visited all the blogs on your profile.

  2. thank you for visiting my blog, sorry if my blog a lot of use Indonesia language

  3. It's OK. No problem. Have a great day and thank you for returning my visit. Enjoy your Friday!
